
Sinis peninsula, historical and naturalistic place

The Sinis Peninsula is a place located along the west coast of Sardinia and characterized by biodiversity and natural beauty. Its nature reserve, the pond of Cabras and the Fassones tell some unique aspects of this territory.

If the beaches of Is Arutas and Mari Ermi offer seascapes among the most beautiful on the island, it is a little further inland that Sinis expresses its timeless vocation, with places and practices that date back thousands of years ago.

Extending with a north-south orientation from Cape Mannu to Cape San Marco and embracing the west coast with rocky, sandy and pink quartz beaches and the Cabras Pond on the east side, this corner of paradise is a place of extraordinary beauty among wildlife, breathtaking views and ancient ruins.

The Sinis Peninsula Nature Reserve

The Sinis Peninsula Nature Reserve is a protected area established to protect the rich biodiversity of animal and plant species that extends for about twenty-six thousand hectares in the territory of Cabras. What does Sinis include? The territory includes a wide variety of ecosystems, from coastal landscapes to wetlands. 

To the south, the landscape ranges from the promontory of Capo San Marco to the rocky and sandy beaches of San Giovanni di Sinis, continuing to the quartz beaches of Is Arutas, Mari Ermi and Punta Maimoni. In these locations, white quartz crystals shine in the sun, creating a unique landscape. 

The imposing cliff of Su Tingiosu offers breathtaking views and marks the northern border of the peninsula. To the north, the Saline and the beach of Putzu Idu, not far from Cape Mannu, complete this enchanting scenery.

The clear waters and sandy bottoms surround the island of Mal di Ventre and the Catalan rock. These seabeds are populated by a myriad of sea creatures that find refuge in the expanses of posidonia and also guard numerous wrecks of different eras, including Roman, Spanish and modern ships, which add a further charm to these waters. The Vaporetto wreck is just one example.

In areas where authorized diving is allowed, the protected marine area is a true paradise for those who love to explore the underwater world with snorkeling and photograph underwater beauty.

The pond of Cabras

A few kilometers from the sea, the sandy dunes give way to the pond of Cabras, one of the most important marsh ecosystems in Sardinia. It is the largest on the island, but is surrounded by other smaller ponds.

This large body of water is populated by a multitude of bird species, including hawks, herons and pink flamingos, making the area a paradise for birdwatchers. 

The waters of the pond are renowned for the traditional fishing of mullet, a fish from which the precious roe is obtained following a salting and subsequent drying process. Take advantage of your visit to Sinis to enjoy this specialty.

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The Fassonis

Sinis is a land rich in lagoons and marsh plants have become a resource, giving rise to the art of interweaving declined to various fields, from the creation of ornaments to the processing of baskets to preserve food to traditional fishing boats called fassoni or fassonis.

The lake fishing in the territory of Sinis has always had peculiar characteristics, adopting nets, ropes and baskets for daily operations and to form the ponds and the falasco huts used both as seasonal refuge and as lookout posts by fishermen. But the most characteristic element of this tradition are the fassonis the traditional vessels of reed interwoven.

The fassonis represent an ancient art: packaged through the interweaving of sheaves of lake hay and firmly knotted with reed strings, take shape in slender boats about four meters long and one wide. With their tapered bow and squared stern, they are perfect for cruising the pond waters and fishing.

Every year in August, Santa Giusta hosts the “Regata de is Fassonis”, a unique competition in which local fishermen compete to celebrate and preserve the ancestral traditions of their community.

The Sinis, a historical and cultural heritage

In addition to its natural wealth, the Sinis Peninsula hosts important archaeological sites, including the archaeological area of Tharros. From nuragic village to colony from the Phoenicians to Roman city, this site offers a window on the past with temples, spas and paved streets.

In addition to Tharros, you can take a dip in the past that will amaze you by visiting the museum of Cabras to admire the Giants, the stone giants discovered in the Sinis and dating back thousands of years ago. It is also worth visiting the Church of San Giovanni di Sinis because of its particular architecture.

But the cultural aspect of Sinis is not limited to its ancient past. In Cabras, the festival of the patron gathers inhabitants and visitors around the church of San Salvatore to give life to moments of joy between ancient rites, folk dances, music and traditional gastronomy.Do not miss in August the barefoot race, with the traditional clothes exhibited in the race.

Copertina: Unsplash

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