
The best Coffee Roasters in Campania

The coffee plant belongs to the genus Coffea of the Rubisceae plant family. It is the most famous and widely consumed drink around the world. When we speak about coffee and coffee culture, there’s one city that rightfully comes to mind. A city that has become the universal symbol of this drink, whose coffee origins started in the 15th century: the one and only Naples. It was here in the southern Italian region of Campania, that Italian Traditions brings you on a journey to discover the best coffee roasters in Campania! Along the peninsula we can find about 800 coffee roasters, both small and big, artisanal or semi artisanal, some of which have actually become so well looked upon, that there’s a religious-like veneration for them.
Cafè Do Brasil S.p.A. (Kimbo S.p.A.) – It is one of the most famous coffee companies in the world. Its history is a perfect example of universally recognized Italian success that originates in Naples, the home of the espresso. The company was founded in the 50s by the Rubino brothers, Francesco, Elio and Gerardo, as a coffee roaster selling coffee for cafés and home use. In the 60s, after successful diffusion of Cafè do Brasil, the brothers decided to start an industrial sized production with the brand name Kimbo, later joined by the brand Kosé. Since 1994, the company has occupied the second spot in the packaged coffee retail sector on the Italian market, thanks the the quality of its raw materials, skillful mixing, a careful roasting process, and constant pursuit of excellence with the most advanced manufacturing technology. (Via Appia Km. 22, 648, 80017 Melito di Napoli (NA), Tel +39 081 7011200)

Gruppo Izzo S.r.l. – It was established by Signor Vincenzo in 1979 as a small coffee roaster located just a few steps away from the Vesuvio volcano. For over thirty years, Signor Vincenzo has worked with authentic passion and drive, with the goal of creating the truest example of excellent Neapolitan espresso. Through time, the company has managed to establish itself admirably on both the domestic market as well as foreign markets, offering a unique espresso. The result of a perfect combination of blending, machinery and tradition, the Italian coffee tradition. Its products are fine blends of pure Arabica, chosen among the best in the world, and the coffee is the result of work carried out with the greatest equipment and extensive expertise, all of which is packaged in pressurized cans that allow for a perfect combination of flavors. (Via Morolense, Km 2, 03012 Anagni (FR), Tel +39 0775 774036) 

Intercaf S.r.l. – Caffè Motta – A cutting-edge industrial reality, that of Intercaf srl, a company founded in the sixties by the Mastromartino family, still at its peak. The production activity is focused on skill and experience as an ideal ground on which to lay the foundation for the development of a competitive company on all other fronts. Motta coffee is distinguished by the enveloping aroma and full flavor that keeps the natural essence of the taste of coffee intact. Using fine blends, the company offers a wide variation of products, which range based on the different elaborations to which the beans are subjected, from roasting to grinding. From freshness, ripeness of the beans, to certified origin, every aspect of the process is monitored and supervised by experts, who, for over thirty years, have been working at Café Motta with great passion. (Via Tiberio Claudio Felice, 42, 84131 Salerno (NA), Tel +39 089 30 61 176)

Caffè Borbone The company was founded twenty years ago by the will of a family that has been involved in the business for generations. The company’s goal is to make its specialty coffee known to most industrialized countries, aiming to cover most of the world in this particular market. Its distribution, in fact, is entrusted to eight branches in eight different countries (Egypt, Greece, Panama, China, Albania, Algeria, Spain and Dominican Republic). The secret to its products, from coffee to tea, resides in a process that is automated, yet supervised 24/7, and constant projection towards the future. At the same time though, reviving the old Naples to all those who choose Coffee Bourbon products. This is the intention of the company that, not surprisingly, has chosen a name that evokes a Naples of the past for its brand. (Zona Asl, Loc Pascarola snc, 80023 Caivano (NA), Tel 800 711 760)

Malinconico Caffè Coffee Break S.r.l. – Established in Naples in 2003, it has become a leading company in the sector thanks to the experience, the use of the best blends and combination of prestigious brands in professional equipment. Quality and harmony are the characteristics of Malinconico Caffè, a coffee that is obtained by processing high quality Italian coffee with a balanced aroma, both sweet and full. It Combines tradition and innovation, Malinconico Caffè promotes the Neapolitan espresso culture, adapting it to any time and to any location: from bars and offices to homes. The company, moreover, also offers a free service where they loan coffee machines and accessories. (Via F. Ferraro, 9, 80026 Casoria (NA), Tel + 39 081 7573161)

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