Jesolo, the sand nativity scene
This year, Jesolo’s sand nativity scene turns the Christmas magic back on, adults and children’s favorite celebration, but most of all it brings on the hope to go back to a normal life after long period of pandemic that has forced the whole world to carry out many sacrifice ma for the greater good.
So here the wonderful sea town lighting up with one of the most appreciated and popular artistic and cultural events in Italy, which returns to celebrate Christmas with a suggestive nativity scene made entirely of sand and water.
Many things have changed, starting from the location that from Piazza Marconi becomes Piazza Trieste, ready to welcome 14 internationally known sculptors that will create 12 sculptures dedicated to Jesus’s developing an emotional and spiritual path.
Jesolo Sand Nativity opens on 9 December and welcomes visitors until 22 February free of charge.

19th edition ready to begin
Great emotions for these Christmas holidays marked by a slow but tangible return to normality, which will also be made even more magical and unique with the reopening of Jesolo Sand Nativity, a hymn to hope and joy felt even more than in previous years.
From 9 December, in fact, Jesolo Sand Nativity is welcoming visitors to admire the new Christmas sand sculptures in all of their beauty.
Piazza Trieste is will be the home to the initiative that will let you in on a unique experience thanks to 14 sculptors that through their works of sand tell the burst of Christ, making all who look at them feel all the feels.
Over the the years, there have been many masterpieces among which stand out the Gospel and the stories from the Bible which this years will focus on Jesus’s miracles.
A space of 750 squares meters is dedicated to Jesolo Sand Nativity where a major set up will be brought to life which will also feature painted sets and olive trees in addition to the sculptures.

Some trivia about the sculptures
The sculptures made only of sand and water to create one of the most suggestive nativity scenes are very similar to marble works of art and it is no easy task to understand how this material can be sculpted.
No other ingredient is used to keep these statues that grab your attention instantly up, simply they pay extreme attention to mechanical compaction of the sand when it is mixed with water in these big wood crates, the result of which is a big block ready to be sculpted.
Very important is also the type of sand that apparently is all the same but in reality presents very different textures. Jesolo’s sand for example comes from the aloes and is also harder to work.

What’s new for visitors
The nativity scene is without a doubt one of the most felt images in our country, it is no surprise that December is the time to create a setting at home to tell the story of the nativity.
This year Jesolo Sand Nativity is ready to welcome visitors with some changes, in fact in addition to the new location (Piazza Trieste), at the entrance there will be a majestic wood angel 4 meters high that will mark the start of this beautiful path among the statues telling the miracles of Jesus.
The topic selected for 2021 wants to be an invitation to everybody to think about the importance of the connection between faith and the hope to heal, that year like never before plays an important role in leading us to believe that happier times will come.
Cover Image : jesolosandnativity