A very popular tradition of the Belpaese regards the making of Italian homemade tomato sauce: recipes are passed down from generation to generation and it is very much about spending some time together with the family. For some, sauce making is almost like a ritual: so, here the recipe and some trivia!
Italian homemade tomato sauce: a typical Southern tradition
Homemade tomato sauce is something that has to be always present in Italian kitchens: specifically, it is a tradition that is very present in many Italian regions, especially in the South. Everyone takes part in the making of the sauce, mum, dad, grandparents and other members of the family.

To prepare the Italian homemade tomato sauce, one of the most important things is to wake up at dawn or even earlier than that, to avoid the humid hot typical of the summer and to make sure that all activities can be finished within the day. We should also keep in mind that once the only technologies available were manual, very tiring and very slow: today, fortunately there are more modern systems although many people feel more comfortable sticking to traditional ways, more popular among grandmothers, safe and tested.
One other thing to consider when we deal with homemade sauce is the quality of the raw material: in old times as well as currently, it would be preferable to grow your own tomatoes in your own garden, and in the chosen date for the sauce making, pick them early in the morning, in order to have a product that is both fresh and authentic. In alternative, a recommendation that is always valid is that of purchasing organic tomatoes, preferably right from the farmer, so as to guarantee a successful outcome.
An interesting trivia regarding the homemade sauce is that, according to tradition, every member of the family has a very specific role which is decided from the start: there is who takes care of buying or planting the tomatoes, who picks them, who cooks them, who blends them. So, every year the family gets together for a shared purpose: make a great tomato sauce to be used throughout the year.

Preparation and recipe of the Italian homemade tomato sauce
First of all, it is essential to make a premise: every region in Italy, if not every city, have their own unique recipes. There are several all different one from the other, so the one following is only one example. You can make it your own with the adjustments you prefer, and experiment different versions of the homemade sauce, you will not regret it!
To store the sauce, you will need jars with lids which you should get at least the day before so that you have time to sterilize them before getting on with sauce making. To sterilize the jars, you can wrap the in a towel and then put them in a big pot, fill it with water so that you cover them entirely, bring the water to a boil and cook for an hour. Finally, leave it to cool down for half a day.
Now that you know how to sterilize the jars, here are the ingredients necessary to prepare 1 liter of this typical Italian homemade tomato sauce:
- 2 Kg of tomatoes of different kind (such as the San Marzano variety);
- Some leaves of basil;
- Salt.
Tools for the preparation:
- A big pot;
- Vegetable mill (preferably with small holes);
- Chopping board;
How to proceed?

First of all, remove the petiole and wash the tomatoes accurately in cold water to remove any dirt. Cut the tomatoes and put them in a big pot, boil them and stir every once in a while. Once they are soft, remove them from the pot. Now you can take the vegetable mill, and put in a few ladles of tomatoes (including the juice that was released during cooking time) and start to strain them. To make the sauce denser, put the sauce on the stove and let it cook on low heat for about 20 minutes.
To complete the Italian homemade tomato sauce, it is advisable to let it cool a bit before pouring it in the jars. Once the sauce has reached the right temperature, pour it in the jars (which have to be perfectly dry) and add some basil, then seal hermetically. The making of the sauce requires about 2 hours and a half, but keep in mind that times may change depending on the amount of sauce you want to make so it could take longer.
The final product can be stored in a dark, dry and fresh place for about 11 months. And you will be able to use it for a variety of dishes, susch as spaghetti with tomato sauce or pizza. Now that you know the recipe, are you ready to make a great Italian homemade tomato sauce?
Featured image: Cucina Geek