
Bergamo and Brescia, sister cities

In Lombardy there are many interesting cities to visit in a weekend, among the most remarkable are Bergamo and Brescia. In 2023 they were elected Capitals of Culture to witness the great value of the cultural and artistic heritage of these territories.

The two cities have distinct traits even if they are united by many affinities such as geographical but also historical and cultural. This area of Lombardy offers many things to see and discover. Without forgetting that Bergamo and Brescia are famous and appreciated also for the gastronomic excellence of the territory and the recipes of the traditional Lombard cuisine.

Bergamo and Brescia, where are they?

Bergamo and Brescia are two cities in Lombardy that are located at a distance of about fifty kilometers. Bergamo is located in the central part of the region while Brescia is located in the eastern part, near Lake Garda. These are two of the Lombard centers important both economically and culturally.

Bergamo and Brescia, what to see in Bergamo?

The two cities offer many fascinating attractions not to be missed and that deserve to be seen during a weekend between Bergamo and Brescia. The historic center of Bergamo is characterized by the presence of beautiful streets, squares and medieval buildings. This part is known as the Upper Town and is a real gem of culture and history.

The center is surrounded by the fascinating Venetian walls built for defensive purposes in 1500 under the rule of Venice. In 2007 the Venetian walls of Bergamo became part of the UNESCO World Heritage Site. The first place that can be reached by arriving at the upper town with the funicular is Piazza Mercato delle Scarpe. This square has an irregular shape and is one of the oldest in the city.

Il cuore della città alta è la Piazza Vecchia dove si trovano una fontana e il Palazzo della Ragione.La città bassa è un connubio tra tradizione e modernità; infatti, questa parte di Bergamo è caratterizzata da vivaci piazze e strade accoglienti. Inoltre, nella città bergamasca ci sono anche molti musei e gallerie d’arte che meritano di essere visitate.

Tra i più importanti c’è l’Accademia Carrara dove è ospitata una fantastica collezione di opere che vanno dal Rinascimento al Neoclassicismo. Qui si possono vedere i capolavori realizzati da alcuni degli artisti più importanti della storia dell’arte come Raffaello, Botticelli e Pellizza da Volpedo.

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Here’s what to see in Brescia

Brescia is nicknamed “the lioness of Italy” and is a city rich in history and culture. This is the ideal place for art lovers and history lovers. The city has many historical monuments that attract tourists from all over the world. Among the most famous is the Duomo Vecchio, an imposing cathedral built in the twelfth century and characterized by a white marble facade.

Another monument not to be missed during your visit to Brescia is the castle. This majestic fortress dominates the city and offers a spectacular view of the surrounding plain. In the historic center of Brescia there is one of the most important Roman remains of northern Italy. It is the Capitoline Temple. the city also offers visitors many very interesting museums.

One of the most important is certainly that of Santa Giulia, located in an ancient Benedictine abbey. Here is housed a vast and important collection of works of art including paintings, sculptures and archaeological artifacts. Another interesting place is the Tosio Martinengo Gallery which houses a valuable collection of paintings from the fourteenth to the eighteenth century.

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The traditional cuisine of Bergamo and Brescia

The two cities of Lombardy are famous all over the world for the recipes of the traditional cuisine of the territory that is based on the use of quality and genuine products such as meat and cheese from local farms. One of the most famous and appreciated traditional dishes of Bergamo is polenta taragna.

This is made from corn flour and buckwheat flour to which water is added. In the dough is added melted butter and cheese. Polenta taragna is used to accompany different dishes such as pork or wild boar. A dish prepared both in Bergamo and Brescia are casoncelli, or elongated ravioli filled with fresh pasta.

The casoncello bresciano is characterized by a particularly thin dough that allows you to highlight the flavor of the filling. The simplest recipe involves the use of a few ingredients such as dry breadcrumbs, butter and grana padano. As for the main dishes of the Brescia area there are beef with oil and rabbit Bresciana.

A dish that is considered one of the symbols of the area of Brescia is undoubtedly the Brescia skewer. There are different versions like the one with birds and pork rolls or with the addition of chicken, rabbit and pork ribs. The Brescian skewer is often served with polenta.

Copertina: Unsplash

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