The more curious will wonder for sure what are the processes for obtaining the final product drinkable! To produce beer, malt must be immersed in hot water where, thanks to the action of certain enzymes present in the radicle which is formed during the germination, the starches present are converted into fermentable sugars. This sugary juice can be flavored with herbs, fruit or more commonly with hops. Subsequently, a yeast is used which begins the fermentation and leads to the formation of alcohol, together with carbon dioxide, which is for the most part expelled, and other waste products resulting from the anaerobic respiration of the yeast. In this process we use ingredients, traditions and different production methods. The type of yeast and the production method, help to classify beer into ale, lager or spontaneously fermented beers. The beer is a global business, but next to it amazes family use which has successfully caught on in recent times. The home production of beer has been active in Italy only since 1995, the year in which it is legally approved.
This reality provides for the manufacture of equipment needed for home brewing, collected in kits and distributed by specialized companies. But always more widespread is the tendency to obtain and build their own tools needed. The style of beer distinguishes the drink according to the features mentioned above such as color, flavor, alcohol content, ingredients and recipe, type of yeast used, type of fermentation. Each style has its origin and history evolved following not only market trends, but also technological success and cost-effectiveness. Given the various types of possible classification, a strict taxonomic subdivision is not applicable: for convenience can be divided broadly, depending on the type of fermentation, between the high fermentation beers for stout and wheat beers, in which it is not usually It used the name of ale.
Micro breweries and brewpubs are born, and many homegrown craft beers are always more frequently not only in specialized places, such as pubs and beer-shops, but also in wine temples such as wine shops, wine-bars and, last but not least, high-restaurants level and have a beer list next to the traditional wine list. Craft beers Made in Italy have become the protagonists of increasingly numerous events, public tastings, cultural courses and major national and international events that attract crowds of enthusiasts beer lovers. Interviews, articles, debates, interventions in radio and television broadcasts are continuing at a strong pace. Even the foreign media are taking an interest in our phenomenon. Today, we have more than 250 manufacturers of micro breweries and brewpubs, even more concentrated in the north but now well present throughout the territory, including the islands.