
Venosa, Acerenza, Pietrapertosa – villages of Basilicata

the charm of the most beautiful villages in Italy in Basilicata

Basilicata is one of the Italian regions where you can find some of the most beautiful villages in Italy such as Venosa, Acerenza, Pietrapertosa and many others. These small towns offer much to discover and see despite their small size.

The particular geographical location of these territories suspended between the Tyrrhenian Sea and the Ionian Sea offers wonderful views. These places seem to have stood still in time and are small treasures in which nature seems to blend harmoniously with the architectural and artistic heritage of these places. Nature is the driving force of a thousand-year history.

Venosa: what to visit?

Venosa has been named one of the most beautiful villages in Italy and is located a few kilometers from the border with Puglia, in the northern part of Basilicata in the province of Potenza. its location on the Lucan Apennines offers visitors wonderful views. Here was born the famous Latin poet Horace and is a small town very interesting from the historical and cultural point of view.

The city is a real open-air museum that allows visitors to experience the charm of the ancient past. Among the main attractions is the Archaeological Park where you can admire the ancient Roman baths, the catacombs and the amphitheater. There are also remains of Roman villas of incredible beauty.

In the town one of the most interesting buildings is Palazzo Calvini built in 1600 and where today the town of the village is located. One of the characteristics of Venosa are its fountains such as the Angioina one built in 1298 and dedicated to Charles I of Anjou who stayed here in September 1271.

One of the architectural treasures of the town of Basilicata is undoubtedly the Aragonese castle. This was built at the behest of Duke Pirro del Balzo in 1470. In 1600 it was transformed by Carlo and Emanuele Gesualdo from fortress into residence.

The village of Acerenza

One of the most beautiful villages in Italy is Acerenza, located in the province of Potenza in Basilicata. The centre of the small village is dominated by the imposing cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta and San Canio. For this reason, the locals also call it the cathedral city. Acerenza is located on top of a cliff at 800 meters altitude. Thanks to this particular position the country has become an important strategic point.

The village was already known in ancient times as testified by poet Horace. Originally this was a military fortress. Today this beautiful village allows its visitors to walk through ancient streets and see fountains and noble palaces. The ancient history of the village of Acerenza can be rediscovered through the architectural works that can be admired walking through the alleys of this city. The cathedral is one of the most important monuments of Basilicata. Among the most characteristic elements of this imposing building are the apse and the three naves on whose walls there are tables dating back to 500.

In addition to this there are also other churches of value in this village of Basilicata such as San Laviero, the church of San Antonio and the Franciscan convent. Acerenza also has a rich archaeological heritage with finds from the Neolithic and Iron Ages.

Pietrapertosa: here’s what to visit in the village on the Lucan Apennines

Pietrapertosa is a village in Basilicata in the province of Potenza located on top of a cliff at an altitude of 1100 meters. It is located in the heart of the Lucan Apennines and is included together with Acerenza and Venosa in the list of the most beautiful villages in Italy. The city was probably founded in the 8th century B.C. by the Pelasgians during their passage through southern Italy.

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The village despite its extremely small size retains many buildings of great interest as its many churches. One of the most interesting is that of San Giacomo Maggiore dating back to 1400. Another important building is the Convent of San Francesco of 1474. As for the districts of the city, the most characteristic is undoubtedly that of Arabata whose name originates from the Arabs for almost 50 years.

Here you can see the small peasant houses perched on the rock.  A very interesting building in Pietrapertosa is also the Norman Swabian castle. It is a fortification built in the ninth century. Over time it has assumed an important strategic role because of its elevated position on the Basento Valley and today its ruins still breathe the scent of history.

Copertina: Unsplash

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