
Palermo, crossroads of cultures and traditions

Palermo is one of the most beautiful cities in Italy that preserves the evidence of its past making it alive. There are many wonders to see while visiting the Sicilian capital.

The beauty of the landscape and its treasures attract tourists from all over the world every year. These are also fascinated by the incredible quality of the recipes of the traditional cuisine of Palermo which is one of the most famous in Italy.

The history of Palermo

The city of Palermo has a long history, its foundation dates back to the seventh century B.C. by the Phoenicians who transformed it into one of the most important and powerful cities of the Mediterranean Sea. Later came the Greeks who kept Palermo as one of the main ports for trade in the Mediterranean basin.

During the Punic Wars the territory of Palermo was contested between Rome and Carthage. Then came the period of Arab domination that saw the city become more and more powerful. The successive dominations by the Norman and Swabian populations did nothing but increase the wealth that had acquired the city. Palermo then became part of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies to pass to the Kingdom of Italy.

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Palermo, here’s what to see

Palermo is a city that offers a lot to its visitors who will be fascinated by the wonderful buildings and artistic treasures present here. One of the landmarks of the city is the Norman Palace built in the second half of the year 1000.

Its interior is composed of wonderful rooms such as the Hall of Hercules frescoed by Velasquez in 1799 and the room of Ruggero with frescoes of oriental inspiration. The real jewel of the palace is the Platina Chapel built by Roger II and dedicated to Saint Peter.

Another place to visit is the Cathedral of Palermo, the most important religious building of the city. Since 2015 the building has been listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It was built in 1185 and is dedicated to the Holy Virgin Mary.

Its structure is a Latin cross with three naves divided by pillars. Inside the Cathedral there are the imperial tombs of Henry VI, Frederick II, Empress Constance and Roger. There is also the Treasury room where you can admire sacred vestments from the sixteenth to the eighteenth century and the golden tiara of Constance of Aragon. 

Among the main tourist attractions of Palermo there is Chiesa del Gesù also called Casa Professa. It is located in the Albergheria district and is the most important baroque church in the city. Its main feature is represented by the interior decorations made by the greatest exponents of sculpture and art of the ‘600.

Another very interesting place to visit in Palermo is the Botanical Garden which is a green area of the city with an exotic charm. Inside you can admire the various plant species ordered following the order of Linnaeus. The beauty of the beach of Mondello is renowned and you can discover it here together with the most beautiful of the island.

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The traditional cuisine of Palermo

The traditional cuisine of Palermo is famous all over the world for its incredible recipes. One of the most famous is the arancina with a delicacy and which is made with rice, meat sauce, mozzarella and ham. There are also other variations that require the use of other additional ingredients such as eggplants and mushrooms.

Another traditional dish of Palermo are the Panelle. They are thin slices of chickpea flour that are then fried. A typical Sicilian dish are the stiggiole, a dish once recovered, prepared with lamb, sheep and kid intestines that are wrapped in stems of spring onions and celery. Among the most popular dishes of traditional Sicilian cuisine is the sandwich with the spleen.It is a bread with sesame inside which is put the spleen of veal and lung that are first boiled and then passed into the fryer.

One of the most appreciated pasta dishes is pasta with sardines whose recipe is widespread throughout Sicily. It is prepared with fresh sardines and wild fennel and finally saffron is added. As for the second one of the most known is that of the Palermo rolls. These are veal slices filled with horse cheese, raisins, onions, parsley and pine nuts.

Finally, as for desserts, we cannot fail to mention the famous cannoli and cassata. The first are a crispy rolled pasta stuffed with fresh ricotta while the second is a cake made with sponge cake with ricotta of sweetened sheep, royal pasta and candied fruit. Sicilian vines from Frappato to Nero d’Avola to passito and zibibbo are among the best in Italy.

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