
Carnival of Cento, the festival of colors, music and tradition

In a small town in Emilia Romagna, Cento, a unique carnival festival is celebrated that fascinates residents and visitors every year. Why is the Carnival of Cento famous? Let’s discover together what makes this event so special.

The city in the province of Ferrara hosts for a whole month the most awaited carnival party in Italy, the only twin with that of Rio de Janeiro.

Also this year the Hundred Carnival of Europe promises to spread joy, joy and a vibrant festive energy that is rooted in the rich history of the Italian carnival tradition.

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Carnival of Cento, history and tradition 

The Carnival of Cento has crossed decades and generations, becoming a pillar of local culture and not only. It has become a global event, but has managed to preserve the authenticity of its origins.

The roots of this celebration go back to the seventeenth century, witnessed by the frescoes of the local painter Guercino. However, the excesses and violence of the time required the intervention of the authorities.

In the early years of the twentieth century, the centesi decided to create their own Carnival King, embodied by Luigi Tasini, known as “Tasi”, respected figure and symbol of city consciousness.

After a break due to the Second World War, the carnival societies gave new life to the parades.

We have to wait for the nineties and more precisely the commitment of Ivano Manservisi to raise the Carnival of Hundred to international levels, thanks to the twinning with the famous Carnival of Rio de Janeiro.

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Where does the Carnival of Cento take place?

One hundred Carnival of Europe comes to life mainly along the Corso Guercino, the beating heart of the celebrations. Then he goes along Via Ugo Bassi and returns to Corso Guercino and its square.

During the celebrations, this street comes alive with parades of beautifully decorated floats. Each wagon, with its imposing structure and meticulous details, transports the audience to fantastic worlds inspired by current themes or related to local history.

From more or less imaginative subjects to bright colors to ingenious systems: these works of art are the real protagonists of the event.

In addition to the parades are the performances of musicians and participants of carnival associations (currently the Boys of Guercino, the Toponi, the Mazalora da Corporeno, the Awakening and the Fantastici100) that make the event a kaleidoscope of colors and sounds that captures the imagination of anyone participating.

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Carnival of Cento, the traditional masks

One of the distinctive elements of the Carnival of Cento, are the traditional masks that populate the streets during the festivities, among which the one of Tasi stands out.

The mask of Tasi represents the King of the Carnival of Cento and can be recognized by the white fox and the cylinder.

The Tasi and other carnival masks bring with them a tradition imbued with mystery and symbolism, adding a touch of charm to the lively atmosphere of the carnival.

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Events and entertainment: a show for everyone

One hundred Carnival of Europe is not only a theme party, but involves all the senses with a variety of events and performances, from concerts to theater performances.

During the entire month of Carnival, the medieval streets of the old town turn into a lively scenario of musical, cultural, sports, food and wine and folklore that gives a rich and engaging experience.

The music resonates through the streets of the village and in particular the square dedicated to the painter Guercino hosts concerts and exhibitions that embrace different genres, offering moments of joy and entertainment to all present. 

There are opportunities for fun and challenge thanks to competitions and events organized to celebrate the carnival in a dynamic and engaging. Whether it’s traditional tournaments or new initiatives, there is something for everyone.

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One hundred Carnival of Europe, the magical closing

Also this year, the Hundred Carnival of Europe is destined to end with a culmination of celebration, entertainment and entertainment, keeping alive the tradition that characterizes this celebration. 

After the exciting announcement of the winning float, spectators will be invited to immerse themselves in the magical atmosphere of the fire of the Rocca.

The usual and magnificent fireworks show ends in beauty every edition of the Carnival of Cento, illuminating the sky with light and sparkling colors. 

How much is the ticket for the Carnival of Cento?

The cost of the full ticket on Sunday varies depending on the method of purchase, but stands around seventeen euros (to which is added the right to pre-sale in case of online purchase).

There are also ad hoc discounts for organized groups of minimum twenty-five people, children with less than one hundred and twenty centimeters and disabled.

Carnival lovers can also buy a subscription with a reduced cost of five tickets (one for each day of the parade).

When is the Carnival of Cento celebrated?

The dates of the Carnival of Cento 2024 to be marked on the calendar are different: the first date is January 28 while the other four dates are February 4, 11, 18 and 25.

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