In the heart of the Lazio region and more precisely in the province of Frosinone, there is a place of undisputed beauty and historical significance: the Liri Island. What makes it unique? The city center offers a unique spectacle, that is its waterfalls generated by the river Liri, that surrounds the island and that falls between the houses of the old town.

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It is no coincidence that a well-known international platform of search for tourist stays has included it among the ten natural wonders of Italy absolutely unmissable.
Isola del Liri, the village of waterfalls
How many waterfalls does Liri Island have? Located in the province of Frosinone, it is an islet surrounded by two branches of the river Liri and on which the city center has developed.
The bifurcation of the river near the castle Boncompagni – Viscogliosi generates two waterfalls right in the city center, the Big Waterfall and the Valcatoio Waterfall (also called Gualcatojo Waterfall).
From the left arm flows the Cascata Grande, the most evocative of the two: it is twenty-seven meters high and is the only waterfall in Italy to be located in a historic center. The Waterfall of Valcatoio is formed from the right arm, but arouses less wonder because of the use of its water as a source of electricity production. In addition, it does not jump vertically, but follows an inclined ground.
Why is it called Isola del Liri?
The name is linked to the river nature of the island: the island of Liri rises from the bifurcation of the river Liri. In the past it was also called Insula Filiorum Petri, that is Island of the sons of Peter (gastaldo di Sora). She has always been linked to nearby Sora, with whom she shared her destiny at least until the nineteenth century.
Island of Liri, the history
Isola del Liri is a place steeped in history. The ancient Romans already appreciated its strategic position, using it as a point of passage to the center of the Roman Empire. On the other hand, it is just over a hundred kilometers from Rome.
This territory came under both Byzantine and Lombard rule, at least until it returned to the Principality of Capua.
Under French rule, the territory experienced a renaissance in urban and economic, thanks to the Boncompagni family. After the construction of the castle, it became the seat of the dukes of Sora.

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In the nineteenth century, paper mills were born, bringing the rural centre to an industrial dimension. In the same years, thanks to the presence of the wool mills, the processing of felt for paper mills also developed. For this reason it was necessary to build hydroelectric power plants along the Liri river.
To change the urban aspect was not the first world war or the earthquake, but the arrival of fascism: kindergartens, schools, public buildings and so on.
Later, Isola del Liri was annexed to the province of Frosinone and continued to expand industrially until, after the bombings due to its strategic position, the citizens left the industries and moved to the neighboring countryside. Soon after, despite the destroyed factories and stolen machinery, the town resumed life.
Over the years, several projects have been presented aimed at pushing towards a merger of Liri Island with neighboring municipalities, from Sora to Campoli Appennino up to Arpinio, but have so far found a dry failing.
Isola del Liri: what to see?
At the center of this urban reality stands the Castello Boncompagni Viscogliosi, an imposing building that served to defend the plain of Sora from enemies and represented a symbol of power. It is no coincidence that it was the seat of the Della Rovere, the Boncompagni and the Sforza. This castle contains many frescoes that testify its importance in the historical context and a large Italian garden that brings back to nature and the neat beauty of the time.
Next to the Castle, there is another element of great historical and cultural value: the park of the Castle (former park of Villa Correa). At first glance it seems almost suspended on the edge of Cascata Grande.

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The eye can move to Villa Lefebvre or Villa Nota – Pisani, an eclectic building decorated with frescoes, precious objects and stained glass that recall the Belle Époque wanted by the family that founded the famous paper mill and became one of the most important realities of the paper industry.
Visitors to Liri Island can also visit the various churches scattered in the center, such as the Church of Santa Maria della Forma, the Church of Madonna delle Grazie and the Church of San Lorenzo Martire.
Being the homeland of paper mills, you should not miss the opportunity to visit the Béranger-Coste paper mill, home to the Museum of the Civilization of Paper and Telecommunications where you relive the city’s long paper tradition.
You can also move along the traces of the ancient paper machines walking from Corso Roma to the River Park and reaching the Waterfall of Valcatoio.
If you decide to reach the hill of San Sebastiano then you can embrace with your eyes the entire surrounding landscape, immersing yourself in the beauty of the valley and capturing the atmosphere that characterizes this town. The ruins of a tower dedicated to the nymph Marica, located on this hill, recall a mythological past and testify to the presence of narratives and symbols that cross the centuries. The hill is also home to the characteristic Church of San Sebastiano.
Isola del Liri: how to get to the village of the waterfalls
How to reach Isola del Liri? The town of Ciociara is located near Sora (province of Frosinone) and therefore is just over a hundred kilometers from the capital.
You can get to your destination by taking the Ferentino exit and continuing on the highway 214 with Castelliri exit if you come from Rome (Autostrada del Sole A1) or taking the Cassino exit and following the signs for the highway 509 (Cassino – Sora -Avezzano) exit Broccostella/Sora if you come from Naples (Autostrada del Sole A1).
You can also reach by train (Rome – Naples via Cassino and change at Roccasecca to take the Roccasecca – Avezzano line with Isola Liri or Rome – Naples via Cassino, Frosinone stop and CO.TRA.L connection to get to Isola del Liri) or with the CO.TRA. L from Rome.
How long to visit Isola del Liri? A day is enough to visit and admire the beauty of this town of about ten thousand inhabitants.
What to eat in Isola del Liri?
At Isola del Liri, beyond where you choose to eat, the various restaurants allow you to enjoy traditional specialties (which winks at the Roman cuisine).
Among the typical dishes there are very thin egg fettuccine seasoned with meat sauce; sagne and beans; potato gnocchi; soup with legumes and vegetables; chicken with peppers; tanni (simil rape) seasoned with oil and garlic.
There are also references to the nearby Roman cuisine, such as roast kid or lamb scottadito.
Rising between the waters of the river Liri, you can not miss dishes based on river fish, among which we remember spaghetti seasoned with river shrimp and trout in foil.

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Among the typical desserts stand out without doubt the susamelli of the Christmas period (similar to the Tuscan cantucci) or the Easter pine cone (cake of yeast dough enriched with raisins and candied fruit). The so-called “icing on the cake” is the “ratafìa”, that is a liqueur based on sour cherries macerated in the sun in red wine.
Copertina: ciociariaturismo