– 500 g OO-type white flour
– 70 g white sugar
– 1 packet vanillin
– 6 g artificial yeast
– 50 g butter
– 1 pinch of salt
– 3 whole eggs
– 1 egg yolk
– 25 ml grappa
– Powdered sugar
– Peanuts oil
Sift the flour, mixing it with the yeast and make a volcano-shaped mound with it. Drop the sugar, vanilla, butter, eggs, salt and half a glass of grappa in the center and knead all together until obtaining a bouncy dough ball. Wrap it in saran wrap and let it sit for half an hour in a cool place. Use a rolling pin to flatten the dough to a 2 millimeter-thick square, adding flour if it rips too much. Fold the square in two and flatten again: you want to repeat this five or six times. Complete the preparation by using a cutting wheel to shape the dough into jagged, uneven rectangules. Make one or two lateral cuts to allow the frappe to grow a little as they cook.
Heat the oil in a deep pan to about 170 C (340 F): it must stay below boiling point. Fry one or two frappe at a time making sure to flip them over and not to burn them – they should come out crisp and golden. Place them on a bed of absorbent paper to drain excess oil. When they reach room temperature, sprinkle with powdered sugar. The best way to keep them fresh for a few days is to store them in a paper bag.