
Borrello, the highest natural waterfalls in the Apennines 

In the municipality of Borrello, in the province of Chieti, there is the Regional Natural Reserve Cascate del Rio Verde, a place of wild beauty, included in a Special Conservation Area that extends for about 287 hectares.  


Its peculiarity consists in the presence of the highest waterfalls of the Apennines, real protagonists of the place, which give highly suggestive experiences and landscapes.  

What to see: flora, fauna and landscapes 

The name of the area takes its name from the waterfalls of the Rio Verde that, dominating the Sangro valley, interrupt the course of the homonymous stream, which flows on limestone and marl rocks at over 300 meters high. They consist of the highest natural perennial waterfalls of the Apennines: their waters, with jumps of 40, 90 and 30 meters, precipitate for over 200 meters before flowing into the Sangro.  

As for the vegetation present, the whole area welcomes expanses of white fir, which coexists harmoniously with the holm oak; thanks to the local climate, in fact, numerous mountain species can perfectly coexist with typical elements of the Mediterranean maquis.


Along the area you can admire willows, brooms, junipers, blackthorns and different varieties of orchids. But not only, because also the fauna is very varied, especially because the Verde stream is one of the most intact bodies of the entire Sangro basin and welcomes specimens of crayfish and river crab and brown trout.  

Among the present birds stands out the presence of the dipper and the yellow ballerina, while among trees and plants roam the buzzard, the sparrow hawk, the common owl, the peregrine falcon and the red kite. Among mammals, however, the polecat and the wild cat predominate. 

What to do: routes and itineraries 

Who decides to visit the waterfalls of Borrello can not venture blindly, but must follow the excellent marked paths, equipped with stairs and handrails and divided into three thematic routes, all overlooking the beautiful waterfalls:

  • Nature path: it takes about 20 minutes and leads to a panoramic terrace with a restaurant where you can enjoy fresh drinks and local products;  
  • Old Mill Path: it takes about 10 minutes, descends towards the river and leads to the ruins of an old mill;  
  • Green Waterfalls Route: along a wooden staircase 200 meters long, you get to a particular and suggestive observation point of the waterfalls.

What to see around Rio Verde 

If your stay near the waterfalls of the Rio Verde lasts for a few days, then it is worth looking around and discovering the wonders that are found in the surrounding area, all of great natural and landscape interest. Here are the main attractions:  

The Regional Nature Reserve “Abetina di Rosello” 

In the municipality of Rosello is the Regional Nature Reserve “Abetina di Rosello”, an extraordinary monumental forest that preserves the remains of floral ecosystems with white fir, which are still preserved today after being much more extended on the Apennines.


Inside the reserve it is possible to admire an incredible environmental variety: gigantic white fir trees, of which 600 are monumental, and the Tucano stream that crosses the territory and feeds several fountains and historical sources.  


Pescopennataro is called the “country of stone” for being the birthplace of many master stonemasons and for being rich in numerous woods where the presence of the fir prevails. Its landscape is incredibly beautiful and fascinating and includes two S.I.C. Areas (Sites of Community Interest: the Bosco della Vallazzuna and the Bosco degli Abeti Soprani.


The village offers many hiking trails, which boast the presence of many services such as cross-country ski trails, equipped areas and camping areas. At the same time, you can visit the historic center and the surrounding areas to admire some unmissable attractions: 

  • the Hermitage of San Luca, located in a limestone cave 1500 meters above sea level;  
  • the Parish Church of San Bartolomeo Apostolo, rebuilt after the earthquake of 1456;  
  • the Church of Santa Maria delle Grazie, dating back to the nineteenth century;
  • the Fountain of Piazza del Popolo, built in the eighteenth century;  
  • the Civic Stone Museum “Chiara Marinelli”, dedicated to Prehistory and the work of many local stonemasons;  
  • Pinocchio Park, a path of the Bosco dell’Impero pine forest, rich in sculptures dedicated to the work of Leonardo da Vinci.


The town of Civitaluparella is located in the province of Chieti, located on a rocky spur. Inhabited since prehistoric times, it houses numerous archaeological finds. During its history it has passed from hand to hand from one lordship to another, mainly because of its strategic position of its ancient fortified nucleus.


In Civitaluparella there are several things to see: 

  • the Grotta Cese, a place of prehistoric finds;  
  • the ruins of the Caldora Castle, placed in the highest part of the village.

In addition, the village is very active from the point of view of annual initiatives: first there is the feast of San Rocco, patron saint of the village, followed by the feast of Sant’Agata, patron saint of breast milk. And again the feast of Saint Peter the Apostle and the feast of Saint Anthony the Abbot. 

Pizzoferrato and the Valley of the Sun 

One last place to visit is Pizzoferrato, a town in the province of Chieti. It is located in the Sangro Valley and looks like a real mountain center, full of pure air and serenity. Inside, flora and fauna coexist harmoniously and many species survive thanks to the surrounding environment; moreover, several streams flow and numerous springs are born, such as the Fonte Maggiore, the Capo Canale, the Ria and the Rietta.


A few kilometers away is the tourist village Valle del Sole, from which you can reach the small ski area Pizzoferrato-Gamberale; here lovers of cross-country skiing and snowboarding will find bread for their teeth and adrenaline for their hearts.

Copertina: itcomuneborrello

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