
Christmas markets in Northern Italy

Discover the tradition of Christmas markets

One of the main traditions of the Christmas holidays is that of Northern Italy’s Christmas markets. These can be found everywhere in Italy and there are some that stand out for their longevity and beauty. Here you can find artisanal and gastronomic products perfect to gift someone on Christmas. Here a selection of the cutest Christmas markets in Northern Italy. Generally they begin setting up around mid-November and then continue throughout the month of December.

From the smallest villages to the biggest cities there are so many Christmas markets to visit with suggestive atmospheres and high quality products. Here, you will be able to find out which are the best to visit in Alto Adige and Trentino. But not only that, as you will also discover the markets of Aosta and the big city ones such as those in Milan and Turin.  

Mercatini di Natale 2021 ad Aosta: torna il Marché Vert Noël

The best Christmas markets to visit in Trentino Alto Adige

Undoubtedly, the most typical Christmas markets in the North of Italy are those held in Alto Adige. Here both in the main town but also in the smaller ones you ought to find a Christmas market. The most important one is certainly that in Bolzano. Here, during the Christmas season the town’s main square, Piazza Walter, is filled with hundreds of colored little houses and lights. Walking past the many stalls you can enjoy all the typical food of this region. Not far from Bolzano there are other markets which are just as appreciated. It is the markets of Renon.

The most appealing aspect is that they are held inside the wagons of the historical train of the Renon. It is an old train that was used to connect the towns located on the upland of Bolzano. Another important and suggestive market is the Merano one which has over 80 exhibitors present the best that local craftsmanship can offer. Trentino’s markets are more modern but still very suggestive.  

Il trenino di Natale dell'Alto Adige sull'Altipiano del Renon

Valle D’Aosta and the cities of the north

Another region where every year Notther Italy’s Christmas markets are held is Valle D’Aosta. Certainly the biggest and most suggestive of the region is that organized in the archaeological site of the Roman Theatre. This market takes place every year from 20 November to 6 January and it called Marché Vert Noël. Here you can find small wooden houses where local products such as cheese, cold meat cuts, wine and artisanal pieces are sold. In other towns of the valley too are held beautiful Christmas markets such as the one of Bard, Courmayeur, and Gressonay.

Mercatini di Natale di Aosta - Marché Vert Noël 2021

Now the only thing left to do is find out about the Christmas markets in Northern Italy that every year are held in Milan and Turin. In Milan, a theme park dedicated to families is set up at the Montanelli gardens near Porta Venezia. Two other Christmas event that you just cannot miss are the the fair of the Obej Obej and the markets in Via Mercanti. Turin’s streets and squares too are filled with the magic of the Christmas season. During the month of December many events are held and one and one of the most suggestive is the one that takes place in the old Borgo degli Stracci.

Here you can find wood cabins with Christmas products and many theme stalls along the Dora. Here you can find artisanal products as well as local wine and food. Finally, let us not forget about the countless art, dance and theatre shows that take place in this period along the most important streets and squares of Turin to celebrate the arrival of Christmas. 

I Mercatini di Natale 2021 a Santa Maria Maggiore: atmosfera natalizia nel  cuore delle Alpi (6 Dicembre 2021 - 8 Dicembre 2021, Santa Maria Maggiore)

Cover Image: energasq8

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