
Il Molinetto della Croda in Refrontolo 

The Molinetto di Refrontolo, also known as Molinetto della Croda, is a water mill dating back to the seventeenth century, we are in the province of Treviso and here we can admire this mill still working. It is a building with a fairy-tale charm, able to transport anyone back in time and for this reason it is considered one of the most evocative places of the Marca Trevigiana. 

Its recovery has been made possible thanks to the improvements made in recent years, necessary after the flood that had affected the building, to renovate it and also to make it more accessible. The Molinetto della Croda owes its fame to the cinema, because, in 1977, it was the backdrop to the film Mogliamante with Marcello Mastroianni and Laura Antonelli.


The history of the Molinetto della Croda 

The Molinetto della Croda is located in the beautiful Valle di Lierza, along the road that connects the village of Refrontolo to that of Rolle, strategically located to exploit the power of the water of the Lierza stream, one of the main tributaries of the Soligo, at the foot of a waterfall twelve meters high. 

Built in 1630, a residence for the caretaker family, a stable and a barn are annexed to the mill. 

Having been uninhabited since 1953, the Molinetto della Croda was bought by the Municipality of Refrontolo in 1991, which decided to restore it and convert it into a milk processing museum, as well as an exhibition space for various exhibitions, including that of 2009 by the painter Angelo Lorenzon. 

From the aesthetic point of view, the building looks like a rustic structure of modest dimensions built with stone and wood walls, leaning against a rocky wall from which the waters of the Lierza flow. 

Inside you can still see both the processing equipment, with the historic millstone faithfully rebuilt and still working, and the various floors of the house, where the families who have lived as custodians of the mill.


The renovation of the Molinetto della Croda 

The works to improve the structure of the Molinetto della Croda included in the project “Refrontolo accessibile”, began in 2019, with the aim of making the place accessible to everyone, even those with mobility difficulties. To date, the building is involved in events of various kinds that follow a precise calendar: very interesting, for example, the initiative that will last throughout the summer and until 19 November, El muin de na òlta. 

The event will consist in setting up the interior of the building perfectly replicating the times when the mill was inhabited: an immersive experience in history that will allow you to take a trip back in time! 

What to do in Refrontolo: Molinetto della Croda and other attractions 

Refrontolo is a small village surrounded by the hills of the Quartier del Piave and is the ideal destination for a few days of relaxation between nature, culture and history. 

Once you arrive here, the visit to the Molinetto della Croda is definitely the first thing to do but it is not the only activity with which you can entertain yourself during your stay. 

Also worth a visit is Villa Battaglia-Spada with the adjoining Barchessa, built in the seventeenth century and the seat of the Austrian command during the First World War. Inside some spaces are now used for recreational activities and artistic and cultural events and it is here that every year the famous exhibition of Refrontolo wines is held.

Walking around the villa you will soon find the Church of Santa Margherita, built during the eleventh century, the Tempietto Spada with its wonderful panoramic position and the bronze of Carlo Balljana dedicated to Marzemino and Art, right in front of City Hall. 


And after a tour of the culture and history of Refrontolo it’s time to dedicate yourself to nature. Here, in fact, you can take the many paths and hiking trails available and observe the most exciting views of the country such as, for example, the natural canyon of the Grota de la Sgnapa, the houses of the Conti Agosti partisans and the natural sinkholes of karst origin. 

The Molinetto della Croda is open every day, even on Sundays and holidays for the joy of those who want to get lost in an inaccurate landscape while the geniuses of the forest murmur with the water of the mill their stories.

Copertina: doveandiamoggi

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