Campi Flegrei: The Phlegraean Fields represent an area west of the Gulf of Naples, famous since ancient times for its volcanic activity that, in the course of history, has been proven with violent eruptions alternating with episodes of less impact.
Although we are talking about eruptions that occurred thousands of years ago, today the area is considered a supervolcano and is part of the ranking of the ten most dangerous volcanoes in the world.

The Caldera of Campi Flegrei: the documented eruptions
There are three eruptions documented by geological traces of the area of Campi Flegrei: the first, which occurred about 39 thousand years ago; the second, however, which dates back to 15 thousand years ago. There was also a third but less violent, in 1538.
The latter would be a singular eruption according to the study conducted by Francesca Forni of the Polytechnic of Zurich in Switzerland: In fact, the analysis of the lava would have brought to light the characteristics similar to those of the deposits erupted just before the disastrous eruptions of 39 thousand and 15 thousand years ago.

Therefore, according to the scholar, a process of separation of gases from other materials present in the magma is still in progress, an event that does not leave much thought since, it is precisely the agglomerations of gases that accumulate in time, those responsible for the most violent explosions.
Although scientists do not believe that there is an imminent volcanic disaster, they are aware that they are facing a situation at risk, to be monitored constantly even if, in this case, there is no possibility of predicting an eruption.
The only weapon in the hands of science in the case of the Phlegraean Fields, may be minor eruptions that will give the alarm signal to predict the arrival of an explosion of great impact.
A guided tour of the Campi Flegrei
Yes, the most curious and lovers of volcanology can take the opportunity to visit the supervolcano of Campi Flegrei, thanks to guided tours organized by the Services for Archaeology and Cultural Tourism of Naples.
This is definitely a unique experience: visitors will be accompanied by an expert archaeologist who will explain the history of this place, passing on the great charm it possesses. It is a real journey back in time, discovering a fascinating and at the same time dangerous and frightening nature.
The area is not very large: the Phlegraean Fields have an area of 7,350 acres, a maximum diameter of 17 kilometers and include twenty-five archaeological sites as well as a geological and marine ecosystem to which scholars have recognized a great importance.
The caldera, which was formed as a result of the two great eruptions of 39 thousand and 15 thousand years ago, includes more than twenty craters caused by explosive eruptions and has a very lively volcanic activity that demonstrates with sulfatar, thermal vapors and hot springs: a real spectacle of nature. This is why the area is recognized as one of the most important active volcanism areas in the world.

The Phlegraean Fields, an area invested by myth
It was the uncontrollable impetus of nature that fostered and inspired an imaginary fantasy that includes mysterious creatures located in this area: Sibilla, the Cimmerians and the Giants who were imprisoned in the heart of the earth after being hunted by the gods of Olympus.
A fantastic scenario that suggests that this area represents access to a hidden world, an underground and frightening world but, at the same time, possesses charm and resources that have led man to accept the risk of living with the supervlucano.
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