
Fano: что делать и увидеть в городе Карнавал

In the north of the Marche region, in the province of Pesaro-Urbino, Fano is a city known for its ancient carnival, one of the most famous and ancient in Italy. Let’s find out what to do and what to see in Fano!

The city of Fano was born in Roman times, known at the time as Fanum Fortunae, the time of Fortuna, built as a testimony of the Battle of Metauro. Its position has managed, over the centuries, to guarantee the passage of various populations who have left the territory with an enormous wealth in terms of cultural heritage.

Fonte: Camping Stella Maris

Furthermore, the proximity to the sea has always made the city a focal point both for ancient populations and for modern tourism, also encouraged by the famous Carnival, which could make it the ideal destination for summer 2022.

What to see in Fano

The passage of the Romans is testified by the numerous works of the Roman era that can be found throughout the territory, such as the Augustee Walls, or the various archaeological museums such as the Museum of the Malatesta Palace and the Museum of the Via Flaminia.

Fonte: Wikipedia

Lovers of art and architecture will surely be fascinated by how many beauties are hidden in the city of Fano, as well as the former church of San Francesco, an open-air monument dating back to the Middle Ages, whose roof seems to have collapsed following the earthquake of 1930.

Fonte: Marina dei Cesari

What, on the other hand, for obvious reasons certainly cannot be missing in a port city is the port: it has always been a symbol of tradition and meeting between people. The pulsating center of Fano in fact winds around its port, a symbol of the maritime tradition of the city, where fishing has always represented the greatest activity and the most important engine of the local economy.

What to do in Fano

During your holiday in Fano, in addition to the beautiful cultural excursions we have just talked about, there are many other activities you can do. After relaxing on a beach, why not take some time for a walk along the trebuchet pier?

Fonte: Hotel Astoria Fano

In this way, you can fully savor the seafaring and traditional atmosphere of the place, admiring spectacular views, especially if at sunset. Still, for those who love to move and take long walks, the walk of Lysippos is also highly recommended, a stretch of waterfront that ends with the statue of Lysippos.

The beaches of Fano

Sea lovers will find in Fano a small paradise where they can relax without thinking about anything else. There are in fact two coasts, Lido and Sassonia, where during the day you can relax by the sea and in the evening enjoy the local nightlife.

Fonte: Dog Welcome Fano

The beaches of Fano are impeccably equipped for families, for children but also — and this is a news that will make many happy — for our four-legged friends. In fact, there are some establishments and free beaches that are very happy to host dogs who spend their holidays with their families.

What to eat in Fano

Even the gastronomic aspect is not to be underestimated when we talk about Fano. Because, in addition to all the amenities already listed with regard to the beaches, the local gastronomic culture is able to leave you completely speechless. Culinary symbols are the Moretta and the Brodetto.

La Moretta is a coffee-based drink, a mix of spirits and lemon peel that symbolizes the identity of the city and literally constitutes its symbol. Imagine sitting on the seafront at sunset and treating yourself to a Moretta to end the day.

Brodetto, on the other hand, is a dish common to the entire Marche region, which is prepared throughout the coastal area, obviously with small variations based on the location. The birth of the brodetto dates back to when the fishermen, during the nights spent on the fishing boats, used to prepare fish soups with the poorest fish, adding vinegar and other poor ingredients that could be preserved in emergency conditions.

Fonte: La Cucina Italiana

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