The traditions of the past in northern Italy are still celebrated today
In northern Italy there are many traditions of the past that are present today thanks to the festivals that take place every year many towns of this territory. These events have become increasingly popular and attract tourists who are discovering these places. The common theme of these festivals is the desire to keep alive an ancient tradition and promote local excellence. Here you can discover the traditions, art and culture of Italy.
The traditional festivals of Veneto
In the province of Treviso takes place every year, in the town of Montebelluna, an event of tradition involving citizens and visitors from all over Italy and abroad. It is the Palio del Vecchio Mercato, which since 1990 takes place between the end of August and the beginning of September in the town of Venice. During the event, the eleven districts represent the hamlets of the city are challenging themselves by pulling a wagon loaded with goods. This is the symbol of this traditional festival and must be carried to the top of the hill of Montebelluna. The district that reaches the finish line first with the wagon wins the prize.
In the province of Padua, another popular folk event is held, the Sparrow Palio. This is one of the longest-lived historical reenactments in the region. The event takes place over three days and takes place inside the Castello di San Martino, a military outpost located between Vicenza and Padua. In the garden of the castle is set up a military camp in which there are figures dressed as jesters, jugglers, waders, artists and musicians.
Lombardy, here are the local traditional festivals
Lombardy is one of the regions in northern Italy where traditions of the past are still alive today through events that take place every year on the streets of the towns. One of the most fascinating is the Palio del Bardello which takes place in the first two weekends of September in Como. The historical reconstruction of the Palio allows you to go back in time to 1159. In that year the people of Como asked for help from Frederick of Swabia to free themselves from the oppression of Milan. The alliance was celebrated with tournaments and various rides. During the days of the event, the towns and neighboring municipalities face each other in spectacular competitions.
A popular festival celebrated today in Lombardy is the Candelora where candles are blessed and then kept in the homes of the faithful. The Candelora in Italian folklore is associated with many traditions and popular rites. In Lombardy it is often compared to the feast of owls. Indeed, according to tradition their blessing ensures good fortune throughout the year.
Festivals and folklore in northern Italy, the main events in Piedmont
Piedmont is another of the regions in northern Italy where traditional events take place that bring back to life the customs of the past of these places. One of the most famous is the Palio degli Asini which takes place every year on the first Sunday in October in Alba. It is a fun challenge that takes place riding donkeys through the streets of the Piedmont city. This event takes place within the framework of the Truffle Fair in Alba and celebrates the historical tradition of the city.
Another event of the Piedmontese tradition is that of the famous Carnival of Ivrea. The event has been taking place since 1973 and attracts thousands of people from all over the world every year. The people of Ivrea go down to the streets and fight against the fighters on horse-drawn wagons throwing oranges. The festival is a historical reconstruction of the liberation of the city from feudal tyranny in medieval times.
Trentino, here are the traditional festivals
One of the traditional events that are repeated every year in Trentino is the Fires of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. In June, on the occasion of the summer solstice, in the mountains of Trentino great fires. These are intended to commemorate 1796, the year in which Napoleonic troops invaded Tyrol. On that occasion the abbot of the Church asked God for help. In case of victory every year the oath would be renewed on the Sunday of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
Also in this region in the city of Stenico in the first half of November takes place the feast of San Martino that marks the end of the agricultural season. In fact, this was traditionally dedicated to the cattle market.
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