
Advent calendar, a Christmas tradition

How was born this tradition still widespread in Italy

The holiday season is characterized by many customs and traditions that make these days particularly festive. Some are common in several countries such as the advent calendar. Even in Italy for several years now has become an increasingly widespread custom. Here you can find out what the advent calendar is and also learn about the history of its origin and its spread throughout Italy. Finally you will know which are the main types of advent calendar that are made in Italy.

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What is the advent calendar?

The meaning of the word advent is that of waiting and in particular of the birth of Jesus and of Christmas. So the advent calendar is just waiting for this event. Over the years the tradition of preparing for this began 24 days earlier. But that’s not all, in fact you have to know that according to one of the traditions the advent calendar is made of cardboard. This must contain 24 numbered boxes. Each of these then contains a special surprise reminiscent of the arrival of Christmas. Probably the origins of this tradition are to be found in the period between the end of the nineteenth and the beginning of the twentieth century. One point to note is that it was initially aimed at children only. Also, to simplify things, the tradition requires that the beginning of the calendar is December 1 to end on Christmas Eve.

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Advent calendar: its origin and its diffusion in Italy

Now you just have to find out how the tradition of the advent calendar originated. You should know that it most likely happened in Germany around 1850. In fact, it was the custom of German Protestant families to hang on the wall 24 pictures with Christmas themes. But many other religions still have similar customs to mark the days before 25 December. The real turning point, however, comes in 1920 with the invention of printing. In fact, from this moment on the advent calendars can be made in series and also feature illustrations of more or less famous artists. In 1930 the Reichhold Institute & Lang realized the first advent calendar as it is known today. Lang remembered when he was a child and the tradition carried on by the women of Maulbronn that I gave a treat to children every day in December until Christmas. This tradition of Protestant origin soon spread to countries where Christianity was the predominant religion. In fact, it also arrives in Italy. You should know that the first to present to customers the advent calendar in our country was the Galli pastry shop in Milan that made them of cloth.

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The main types of advent calendar

The tradition of the advent calendar, like many others, started in a simple way and then evolved nowadays in something more and more particular and complicated. You should know that originally the boxes contained mainly sweets and chocolates. Some people preferred to insert cards with Christmas-related thoughts or even Christmas-themed images. Today you can find many different types of advent calendar.In fact, almost all the major brands of the different sectors realize this kind of product in this period. Another interesting aspect of the advent calendar in Italy also concerns what happens in some cities of the territory where local traditions related to the Christmas holiday are carried on. The two most original events are those held in Legnano and Bolzano. The first provides for the preparation of a calendar on the facade of a historic building of the city. Every day a window is opened containing the illustration made by an artist. Every day in Bolzano the window of a building in Piazza Walter is opened.

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